#MindfullnessKits, my personal journey

​Working in the Cosmetology industry for since the age of 13 I’ve held a lot of differing positions each with varying levels of stress. Management positions, educator roles, and personal client management were things that made it difficult for me to let loose and enjoy myself. Having always been a bit of a planner, worry and stress came naturally with the additional responsibilities of higher positions.
I’ve created #MindfullnessKits to help share some of what has worked for me. These kits combine planning aspects and tools (like journals and stickers) with some more “holistic” methods for relaxation (including bathsalts, sparklers, glow sticks), and so much more.

Every kit is carefully curated for theme and includes a great mix of elements.
They say you should dress for the job you want, that mantra can be valued everywhere. Sure, you may be stuck in a suit, but having a crystal healing bracelet or a #FestivalHair accessory might be just the little reminder to breathe that you’ve been waiting for.
It’s time to embrace your inner dirty hippie.

Road Trip Beauty

The road trip is a Summer staple, and the freedom from routine life is always welcome, but often hair and skin care suffer on the trip. Hotels, rest stops, limited packing space, and general travel time constraints can make it difficult to keep up usual beauty habits.

Here’s my quick list of 5 Road Trip Beauty Cheats:

1) Baby Wipes- great for in the car Cheetos finger clean up, and in a pinch good for using as makeup remover or if you don’t have time to shower.

2) Hair Ties- just believe me, you never want to be without one, even if your hair is short.

3) Tinted Moisturizer WITH SPF- yeah, you’re spending a lot of time in the car, which feels like you’re inside, except you’re not, always protect your skin, and using a tinted moisturizer with SPF will mean that you look great and all those road trip selfies too.

4) Body Oil- no matter how careful you are you probably going to get a sunburn, or a mild scrape while hiking, or dry skin from Beach water or pools, body oil will be your friend.

5) WATER- I can’t stress this one enough. Proper hydration is key to Beauty. If you are under hydrated then your body isn’t taking care of itself as well as it should. Soda, and milkshakes, and Margaritas by the pool all decrease your hydration level. Make sure you drink enough water. If you’re not sure if you drink enough, drink more.